The Top 20 Business Transformations of the Last Decade

(Harvard Business Review)

Introducing OKRs to Your Organization: How TED does OMGs


Sometimes, when you’re introducing a new management idea, the organization receiving it might treat you like you’re from another planet, especially if the company already has a strong sense of its mission.

The German Experiment

(MIT Technology Review)

The government sets a premium price on solar and other alternative power sources.

The policy offers lessons in ways to encourage the use of renewable energy.

Anchoring to Your Mission: How Allbirds Measures Sustainability


What the Best Transformational Leaders Do

(Harvard Business Review)


Solving the Climate Crisis at a Profit (MIT Technology Review)

A Q+A with Hunter Lovins



In a stroke of genius, Philo T. Farnsworth changed the way we see the world.

Then corporate America pushed him out of the picture.

Advertising Webonomics 101 (WIRED)

Not someday, today - advertising on the Web makes economic sense. You just have to forget everything you ever learned about the business.

A Face of One’s Own (Discover Magazine)

As any newborn baby knows, no two faces are alike. Now, finally, a computer knows this, too.
